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How to Make Scrambled Eggs in the Microwave

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How to Make Scrambled Eggs in the Microwave

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make scrambled eggs, using the microwave can be a convenient option. Whether you’re in a hurry or don’t have access to a stove, this method allows you to enjoy delicious scrambled eggs in just a few minutes. In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to make scrambled eggs in the microwave.


  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional toppings: shredded cheese, chopped vegetables, cooked bacon, or herbs


  1. Crack the eggs into a microwave-safe bowl: Start by cracking two eggs into a microwave-safe bowl. Make sure the bowl is large enough to prevent any overflow while cooking.
  2. Add milk, salt, and pepper: Next, add two tablespoons of milk to the bowl. This will help make the eggs fluffier. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. You can also add any other desired seasonings at this point.
  3. Whisk the eggs: Use a fork or a whisk to beat the eggs until the yolks and whites are well combined. This step is important to ensure even cooking and a consistent texture.
  4. Microwave the eggs: Place the bowl in the microwave and cook on high for 30 seconds. Remove the bowl from the microwave and stir the eggs with a fork or spoon. Repeat this process of cooking for 30 seconds and stirring until the eggs are almost set. This usually takes about 2-3 minutes, depending on your microwave’s power.
  5. Finish cooking: Keep a close eye on the eggs as they can quickly go from being almost set to overcooked. Once the eggs are almost set, remove them from the microwave and give them a final stir. The residual heat will continue to cook the eggs to perfection.
  6. Add toppings: At this point, you can add any desired toppings to your scrambled eggs. Consider options like shredded cheese, chopped vegetables, cooked bacon, or herbs. Mix well to incorporate the toppings.
  7. Let them rest: Allow the scrambled eggs to rest for a minute or two before serving. This will help them firm up slightly and make them easier to handle.
  8. Serve and enjoy: Your microwave scrambled eggs are now ready to be enjoyed! Serve them on toast, in a breakfast burrito, or simply on their own. They make a delicious and satisfying meal any time of the day.

Tips for Perfect Microwave Scrambled Eggs:

Here are a few additional tips to ensure your microwave scrambled eggs turn out perfectly:

  • Use a microwave-safe bowl to prevent any accidents or damage.
  • Stir the eggs well between each cooking interval to ensure even cooking.
  • Keep in mind that cooking times may vary depending on the wattage of your microwave. Adjust accordingly.
  • Experiment with different toppings and seasonings to customize your scrambled eggs.
  • Be cautious when removing the bowl from the microwave as it may be hot.
  • Remember to let the scrambled eggs rest for a minute or two before serving to allow them to firm up slightly.

Now that you know how to make scrambled eggs in the microwave, you can enjoy a quick and delicious breakfast or snack anytime. Give this method a try and impress your family and friends with your microwave cooking skills!

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