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How to Tell if Eggs are Bad: A Guide to Ensuring Egg Freshness

shallow focus photography of brown eggs

Is it time to say goodbye to your eggs?

Eggs are a staple in most kitchens. Whether you’re baking a cake, making an omelette, or simply enjoying a sunny-side-up, eggs are versatile and delicious. But what happens when you’re not sure if your eggs are still good? We’ve all been there, standing in front of the fridge, holding an egg and wondering if it’s safe to eat. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to tell if eggs are bad.

1. The Float Test

 Egg The Float Test

Egg The Float Test

The float test is a classic method to determine if your eggs are still fresh. Fill a bowl with water and gently place the egg in it. If the egg sinks to the bottom and lays flat on its side, it’s fresh and good to go. However, if the egg stands upright on the bottom, it’s still safe to eat but should be used soon. On the other hand, if the egg floats to the top, it’s time to bid farewell to your egg, as it has gone bad.

2. The Sniff Test

 Egg The Float Test

Egg The Float Test

Trust your nose! The sniff test is a simple yet effective way to detect if an egg has gone bad. Give the egg a gentle sniff. If you detect a strong, unpleasant odor, similar to sulfur or rotten eggs, it’s a clear sign that the egg is no longer fresh. Fresh eggs should have a neutral or slightly eggy smell.

3. The Shake Test

Egg The Shake Test

Egg The Shake Test

Give your egg a little shake. If you hear a sloshing sound or feel the contents moving around inside, it’s a sign that the egg has gone bad. Fresh eggs should have a firm and solid feel when shaken.

4. The Visual Inspection

Egg The Visual Inspection

Egg The Visual Inspection

Take a close look at the eggshell. If you notice any cracks, leaks, or discoloration, it’s best to discard the egg. Additionally, if the shell feels slimy or sticky to the touch, it’s a clear indication that the egg has gone bad. Fresh eggs should have a clean, smooth, and intact shell.

5. The Date Check

Egg The Date Check

Egg The Date Check

Don’t forget to check the expiration date or the “best by” date on the carton. While eggs can still be safe to eat after the expiration date, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If the date has passed, it’s a good idea to perform one of the tests mentioned above to ensure the egg is still fresh.


Knowing how to tell if eggs are bad is an essential skill for any home cook. By using the float test, sniff test, shake test, visual inspection, and checking the date, you can confidently determine the freshness of your eggs. Remember, when in doubt, it’s better to err on the side of caution and discard any eggs that you suspect may be bad. Happy cooking!

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